Welcome to Flight 2021! This is your Creator (a.k.a. God) speaking. I have cleared us for take-off as we embark on our New Year journey. While 2020 is now one for the history books; let’s place our focus on… ME: My Word, My Character, My Promises, My Wisdom. Our destiny is one filled with joy and peace, with an ultimate destination… HOPE.
As we prepare for take-off, please turn off all self-destructive devices: pride, envy, jealousy, selfishness, hate, and anger. Negative thoughts, discouragement, and loneliness should be locked away. From this point on, rest assured that I will ALWAYS be with you. You will NEVER be alone when you fly with Me. Take this time to surrender ALL your cares, worries, pains, concerns, struggles, and obstacles into My hands. They are no longer your burden, but Mine. Place ALL your dependence upon Me. I will take care of it ALL… in My time and in My way.
When you journey with Me, you are shielded with faith… faith that pierces through the darkest storms and densest fog. Since this will be a long flight, it must be understood that we will experience all kinds of weather. It may be sunny and clear one day and stormy and dark the next. No matter what the weather may be, we will endure it together. I will protect and hold you close; while navigating our flight pattern to clear and sunny skies.
At this time, be sure your seatbelt of truth is secured tightly around you. This belt will keep you safe from any turbulence or emergencies we may experience throughout this flight. Trust in Me to get you through any issues that come our way. I am all-knowing and beyond prepared for anything that may interrupt our flight pattern and cause us to adjust our flight plan. For it is My truth that has overcome the world. Nothing will interrupt our flight that hasn’t been allowed by Me. I always design a flight plan that ensures ALL things work together for good.
While securing your seatbelt of truth, make sure your seat is in an up-righteousness position. Maintaining your seat in this position will keep your focus on Jesus and His up-righteous character. He is with us on this flight; seated in the co-pilot position. Like Me, He has the ability to guide us on this flight; navigating us through any turbulence, storms, and all other travel-related disruptions. Jesus came to earth to save us from our sinful ways and it is Jesus who will alert you if we encounter changes in air pressure and need to utilize the oxygen masks. Jesus is The Way, The Truth, and The Life. His up-righteousness gives those who believe in Him life… an abundant life… on this flight and beyond.
If you need anything during this flight, don’t hesitate to enlist help from The Holy Spirit. He acts as your perpetual flight attendant and will supply you with all the support you need. The Holy Spirit has an abundance of fruit that will refresh your soul. His menu of fruit includes: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. This fruit is not just any fruit, but fruit that will ensure you live life to its fullest while flying with Us.
Since this will be a long flight, WE have provided you with reading material. In the seat pocket in front of you, you will find The Bible. This holy book represents My Word. My Word is My Truth… the only Truth that matters. Guard your mind with My Word as we travel together; familiarizing yourself with Bible verses that will protect your mind from evil thoughts and negative emotions. Reading My Word each day will infuse My Character, My Promises, and My Wisdom into this journey.

Thank you for trusting Me, for having faith in My Word, and for understanding My Truth. Please know that I love you with an unconditional love… a love that knows no borders or boundaries. I will be with you on this flight and the many flights to come. Each and every one of you are special to me… for I know your name, along with the number of hairs on your head. I know your cares and concerns, your successes and struggles, and your triumphs and trials. So relax and surrender the flight plan and controls to Us: The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit. Let go and let Us do the flying; taking care of every detail associated with this journey. You will be forever grateful for boarding this flight; choosing a destination filled with HOPE.
There are far, far better things ahead than any we leave behind. C.S. Lewis