Contact Hope Today
Once upon a time, there was a wife, mother and principal from Warwick, N.Y. named Hope. Hope loved all these roles; working diligently to find a perfect balance. She spent as much time as she could with her husband and son, affectionately referred to as her “boys”, while tackling her responsibilities as a principal.
Upon turning 40, Hope reflected on her life; realizing that trying to find a perfect balance was more a fairy tale than reality. Her son was growing up with a mom who struggled to be joyfully present. Her attempt to be everything to everyone was taking a huge toll on her family’s overall well-being. As reality set in, Hope decided something had to give.
Although Hope gave up a lot, she gained a great deal in return. She was finally able to be joyfully present with her “boys”, while following her passion to become a professional organizer/consultant via H.O.P.E. DAYLEE USA… Organized Efficiency Specialists. Hope is also the proud author of various books via her Teachers Pay Teachers store: www.teacherspayteachers.com/Store/Apple-A-Day.
After 15 years in education, with 9 years devoted to school administration, she made the heart wrenching decision to “resire” (Hope’s term for resigning and retiring) as a principal.
H.O.P.E. Daylee USA melds Hope’s vast educational experience with her
sheer passion for organization. If you are a homeowner or teacher who desires a more efficient and organized life; contact Hope today. HOPE’s strategic organization approach will transform your home, business, or classroom into a super-efficient living or learning environment. Whether it is a workshop, conference day or a full home, office, or classroom makeover you need, H.O.P.E. DAYLEE USA will design and implement a system made with you in mind… The H.O.P.E. DAYLEE USA Way. Call 845-728-6589 or e-mail Hope at: Hope@appleadayusa.org today!